Luzmarina Hernandes
State University of Maringá
Professor of Morphological Sciences Department of Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM)/BRAZIL in the area of Histology and Embryology. She graduated in Biological Sciences, Master in Biological Sciences, PhD in Sciences (Cell and Tissue Biology) by Universidade de São Paulo (USP-SP). Postdoctoral degree at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), in the area of Cell Biology, with theme Palate Development. She is a vital member of the Post graduated programs in Biosciences and Pathophysiology and Integrated Odontology. Professor in distance education in Biological Sciences undergraduate. She is currently is Editor-in-Chief of the publishing house of the Universidade Estadual de Maringá. She is experienced in the area of Morphology, working mainly on the following topics: cutaneous healing, bone regeneration. Currently in UEM study materials for use in bone regeneration and skin healing. Some of the techniques used include histotechniques for morphological study, FTIR and RAMA, SEM and XRD.
Research Interest
FTIR, RAMA, SEM & XRD. Morphology, Cutaneous healing, Bone regeneration