Sergey I. Pokutnyi
Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics
Pokutnyi Sergey is a Professor of Theoretical Physics, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics). He is also Head of the Department Theoretical Problems of Optics and Spectroscopy of Nanosystems Kurdjumov Institute for Metal Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv) (from June 2006 – September 2013). He was a Leading Researcher of the Department of Nanomaterials Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv) (from September, 2013). He is honored with Soros grant research (1993), Member of the Academy of New York (1993), Soros Professor (1998). He is editor of many established societies and journals. He published more than 254 scientific papers and 11 books.
Research Interest
Theory of Excitons in Nanosystems, Nanoheterostructures, Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy Nanosystems